Jane Griffin, a Qualified Canine Massage Practitioner working in the Herault,  France

Reiki Usui Qualified, combining healing energy with massage techniques

Thanks for visiting. As you are here, you might be wondering why it's a good idea to massage a dog? 

Dogs can suffer from many of the same problems as humans, such as stress, anxiety, pain, arthritis, injury and massage can help with these conditions.  

I am trained in four specific types of massage, each has different benefits. 

Relaxation and Post Surgery/Injury massage: The benefits of this type of massage include stress relief, reduction in anxiety, reduction in pain, improved mobility, increased circulation and blood flow which in turn can aid the healing process, draining toxins, release of endorphines and well-being hormones.

For nervous and anxious dogs, this type of massage can help to increase confidence which in turn can alter behaviours. A slow, relaxation massage activates the parasympathetic nervous system, thus slowing down heart rate, breathing rate, reducing blood pressure and returning blood cortisol levels towards normal. A dog can then be in a better, more open physical and mental state to be able to learn new behaviours. 

Massage has been clinically proven to reduce pain. When used together with a passive range of motion for joints it can aid rehabilitation and movement after surgery and injury. A gentle massage around the site of an injury or scar after an operation can accelerate the healing process. 

Older dog massage: As a dog ages their body changes and some can develop pain associated with arthritis as joints wear. Muscles can also begin to lose tonicity. Massage can help maintain good muscle tone, relax muscles and relieve pain. Passive range of motion moves synovial fluid throughout the joint which brings nutrition to damaged cartilage and flush out toxins which cause inflammation. Often an older dog starts to hear and see less than before, and an emotionally comforting massage can reduce the stress associated with this ageing process. 

I can also offer end of life care. Massage and Reiki can aid in making your pet's final days more comfortable and peaceful. 

Sports massage: Massage is essential for a sporting dog to maintain peak performance and help to prevent injury. This type of short, stimulating massage can also aid recovery after an event and reduce inflammation. I can assist at sports events and training sessions.

Puppy massage: A specialist assimilation massage is highly beneficial for puppies and some refuge dogs. A puppy  will become accustomed to being gently massaged all over it's body, and this in turn will create a positive association with human contact. There are often dogs who have been placed in a refuge of foster home who aren't used to being touched and who perhaps are afraid of humans. This massage can relax the dog and reinforce the positive contact with humans. 

Please make contact if you would like to know more about any of the services offered or to make an appointment for your pet.

Please note that massage is complementary to veterinary care, it does not replace it.

Jane's background:

2000 Body Massage  (ITEC) training and Diploma

2001 Sports Massage (FSMT ) training and Certification

2019 Reiki I and Reiki II (Usui Susannah Cartwright) training and Certification

2020 Canine Massage (Chien Zen) training and Diploma 

2021 Canine Massage Practitioner (Dog Massages Academy) training and Certification

2021 Reiki Master (Usui Johanna Ols Stoltz) Training and Diploma

2021 Affiliation to the International Association of Animal Body Workers

What happens during an appointment?

The first appointment normally follows a telephone conversation to discuss your dog's needs. I will come to your home and ask you some general questions about your dog and their health and wellbeing. There are a couple of forms to fill in (in English or French) which alllow me to undertake the massage.

Then, I'll make contact with your dog (if this hasn't already happened of course!) 

I normally massage a medium or large dog on a soft rug or blanket on the floor. I will bring my table to massage a smaller dog. The most important thing is that your dog is comfortable and feels safe and at ease. I pay close attention to the body language of your dog and the signals they give me to ensure that the massage is the best possible experience for him or her.  I incorprate energy work when necessary to help to calm and relax a dog.  

You can be present during the massage or you can carry on with your day. A full massage from start to finish can take up to 45 minutes depending on the complexity and size of dog.  

If, for any reason your dog does not accept the massage then we can discuss alternatives to try to help him or her with their health and wellbeing. There will be a minimal cost charge for the appointment if this occurs.